Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Coming Home

Well, it's 5 am and hubby is coming home this morning, that is, as soon as I finish cleaning, take a shower, take RJ to daycare and drive 50 miles to Reno to get him. I get a husband for one whole day! Woohoo!!!

Torrey has a baseball game tonight. He lost his first game, 13-8. I just wish that for once he could be on a winning team.

Nikki is very sick. The school called and said she couldnt be in school until she saw a dr. Took her to Barton. I knew that was a mistake going there. They said since she tested negative for strep and mono that she was fine. This morning she is worse off than she was yesterday. Took her to Carson-Tahoe hospital. Basically they said, "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck, then we will call it a duck and treat it like a duck." I dont understand if she is showing all the signs and symptoms of strep why Barton didnt give her antibiotics, knowing she has some sort of something going on even if the test was negative, which I found out the rapid strep is wrong 60% of the time. Oh yeah, that reminds me, have to get her scrip and bounce a check to the power company before I go to Reno.

Seriously want this house and trucks in Oklahoma. Time for us to leave the hill. The kids are sad but they are being wonderful about it and understanding that it could lead to a better life. Going to swallow our pride and tuck our tails between our legs and ask grandma looney for her help in getting the loan. Hope she realizes that this could be our only chance to make something of ourselves and do some good for our kids. Getting this house would be a dream come true. And, our income would go up while our cost of living expenses would go down. That's an incredible feat in today's economy.

Well, going to go finish cleaning so I can go retrieve hubby. It's going to be another very long day.

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